If a multi-day’s START date has passed, but the END date has not yet, it is still grouped into the “Overdue” heading of an Agenda Pane. I had expected it to still appear in “Today” until the END date had passed, indicating that the whole task was truly overdue.
I tested this earlier today and it worked as expected…but I just tried it again and it doesn’t…? I’m not sure if I’m nuts or if the behavior is actually inconsistent…but assuming I’m actually nuts, the current (apparently consistent) behavior does not make sense to me.
This could be a matter of opinion, but naturally I think mine is the best one : ) If I’ve begun a 3-day task on time, I don’t want to see it in my “Overdue” list just because I’m still on day 1 of 3. It should hang out in “Today” for 3 days before moving to “Overdue.”