See GIF. Throughout I am hitting the Home key, but when on any line other than the first, the cursor jumps to the end of the previous line instead of the start of the current. This is in the Windows app. We saw this issue months ago, and I can’t remember for sure, but I think it was something specific to the Windows app that you were able to fix

10 days later

@Jay any luck with this and the others I reported? These are daily headaches.

  • Jay replied to this.
    8 days later

    JT17 Sorry for the lack of reply! I’ve tried to fix this multiple times but haven’t been able to figure it out, and it annoys me too. The problem is that input actually goes into a hidden element that’s rendered slightly differently than the pane item, and then the pane item is re-rendered with the rich parsed display text. And then we are rendering our own text caret and selection based on what the browser says is selected in the hidden input. But for some reason I can’t figure out, when selection is at the beginning of a line it reports that it is actually at the end of the previous line.

    I will come back to this and see if we can change/remove all that hidden input stuff, or if we can at least get a more accurate caret position.

    • JT17 replied to this.
      4 months later

      Jay Any updates on this? It actually goes beyond just the home key - any multiline block of text does not select or render properly. This is a major, everyday editing headache

      2 months later

      Bumping again. This continues to be a real irritation

      3 months later

      @Jay I will keep coming back on this once/quarter in hopes we can get it fixed. Continues to be really frustrating

      3 months later

      I’m back again. This issue persists. Is Jay no longer active on this forum?

        Hey JT17 thanks for bumping this again. Jay and I have been busy lately, I’ll make sure this comes up in a chat about next things this week.

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