As I use the mobile versions of Legend daily, I’m going to ‘bump’ this suggestions again as I feel it’s pretty important to usability….
FEATURE/IMPROVEMENT: The Legend needs a was to control it’s font/text size locally, i.e. independent of iPhone, iPad, Windows, Mac. Currently the font size for items is ‘slaved’ together and all apps, regardless of resolution or device screen share the same font size. Therefore, a font that is a usable size on Windows/Desktop Legend is far from usable on a smaller screen device such as the iPhone or an iPad. Even an iPad can use a smaller font than an iPhone and should not be locked together. Each Legend device instance should have it’s own font size adjustment and be independent of other devices. Another reason would be that it can be very difficult to select an item’s bullet on the iPhone or collapse a document hierarchy if the font was left smaller from being changed on the Desktop version, leaving you unable to work if you aren’t near a desktop and able to change it back. Every time I go to my phone I find myself muttering under my breath that I have to change the font size, then repeat that process when I go to a Windows or Mac native Legend app.
FEATURE/IMPROVEMENT: It would be nice to be able to set the font size of the “Document viewer” pane on iOS independently of the main UI font size. It can take a bit of maneuvering to open/close/select documents currently as these slide in to cover the screen, they don’t need to share real estate….they could be adjustable size as well (and independent of the app platform.