• Feature Requests
  • "Move" Dialog recognizes "prefix" characters - small change with big impact

When entering text into the “Move” Dialog box, Legend attempts to show the most-relevant items first, but is rarely on-target for me – which is why I don’t often use it. I realize that populating the results so that “everybody is happy” is impossible, so how about giving users a little bit more control from the input box, by letting us specify item prefixes?

Make Auto-fill recognize Legend “prefix” characters and have it “filter” the results list accordingly. Thus:
“test” behaves as today.
test” returns only items that are Headings (projects) AND contain “test”
“[test” returns only items that are Tasks AND contain “test”

Presumably these characters would only be processed as prefixes if they were the first ones entered. This would grant extra control, plus improve keyboard-friendliness.

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