@Jay Again the windows desktop refuses to recognize there is an update available.
I had the windows desktop open from a few days back and it did recognize the update. After I clicked Update on the blue popup it presented a black screen with the message Updating….
I had several other instances of Legend running in other desktops, so I closed them while the update was running (probably a big mistake on my part). However, the update never finsihed, so I had to completely close the last window of Legend.
I fired Legend again and now it doesn’t want to recognize that there is an update available.

I have restarted Legend again… and now it’s asking me to reauthenticate completely from scratch. Samething in the mobile… it seems that the mobile app is now migrated to Legend so it’s also asking me to reauthenticate… perhaps related?
After reauthenticating it did take the update.

I am going to move this to another thread, cause it might be a bug in itself?