This one is really killing me recently. I have a client that wants me to report out my current project queue. I can collapse my pane to show only Project headings very easily, but if I copy/paste that into a report or email, I get the entire outline under all those Projects.

If that were what I wanted, I would have expanded them all first. I’d really like it if Legend only put onto the clipboard what I’m actually looking at when I hit “copy.” Part of the value of controlling my outline’s expand/collapse state is having control over the depth that the information is presented. I’d like to carry that over to other software.

I’m sure there are plenty of use cases for the current behavior. It’d just be nice to have better control over this through some mechanism such as:

  • a universal behavior toggle in Settings (“copy selected items as shown” / “copy all Outline contents for selection”)
  • a modifier key or RMB option

    Jerud I run into situations where this is a problem for me also.

    • Sharing reports / updates with my manger or team mates
    • From Calendar or Agenda views - wanting to share only the dates I have open, or only certain levels of things
    • Printing things for my own “weekly planner” view (for when I want to keep paper in front of my face…)

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