I use recurring tasks a LOT. I’m not 100% sure I understand your use case here, but maybe the following will help.
If you search for: date:today or date:overdue
You will see only items due today (or overdue) including recurring items. I use this all the time for much the same use case it sounds like you have - showing daily routine tasks. You can also add: or date:none to then see todays routine tasks and items without a date.
This is the exact search I run in most of my panes: date:today or date:overdue or date:none
Similarly, if you want to ignore overdue items and show only items with a due date of today, the search is: date:today
Also note the toggle in the recurring date pop up that lets you choose if items “repeat from complete”. This is very useful for daily items (ie - if I miss taking my vitamins today, I’m not going to take them twice tomorrow!) and chores, etc as it prevents items from generating multiple overdue instances. The item will repeat from when you mark it complete, not strictly on it’s original recurrence. ie: “Take Vitamins” with a date set to “every day” and the “repeat from complete” toggle selected - will appear as overdue; but it will only appear once. When you mark that overdue item complete, it will set the next date for tomorrow.
RE your second question: No, there is not currently an option to specifically exclude all recurring events.
A couple things that I use to solve / work around this:
1 - as noted above, the date search options will limit the recurring tasks you see in your lists to only the current ones (hiding future ones).
2 - You can also group repeating tasks under their own outline heading. And then, when you don’t want to see them, zoom into the relevant portion of your outline
3 - Group recurring items under their own heading, and apply a tag to that heading (ie: #chores). Then add the filter: -#chores. to any search where you want recurring items excluded.
Hope that all makes sense and helps your use case. I use recurring tasks a LOT; so if this didn’t answer your question, please respond with more detail of your use case and I can likely help figure out a solution! 🙂