I have a similar bug - maybe related - with mirrors and indents, although it is the reverse of the example above. In my case, the indicated item was Alt+dragged to the new location to create a mirror. The created mirror renders “outdented” by one level, even though it otherwise behaves correctly and is hidden when I collapse its parent.
If I undo this, and instead create the mirror on the line above its intended parent, it is correctly indented. But if I then drag it into the same position as shown below, it again renders out-dented incorrectly. If I then drag it into a parent that’s several indents deeper than the current one, it continues to render at the same indent level – now, several indents out from the children above and below it.
Basically the mirror is drawing at the same indent no matter where it is. This is not necessarily the same level as the original, though, because I tried undoing the mirror, indenting the original, and re-creating the mirror. It rendered with the same indent as before. So it’s not matching the original’s indent, but rather seeking some arbitrary indent.