Any time I close a Pane, the Board I’m in auto-scrolls all the way to the right.
Most of my Boards are wider than a single screen – I’m on a laptop and I keep “helper panes” to the right – so this often means that closing a Pane scrolls the area I had been working in completely out of view.
Opening “temporary” Panes for focused work improves my workflows but that benefit is eroded when closing a temporary pane mandates re-scrolling the Board.
I think it’s reasonable to expect that all Panes which were visible before Closing a Pane should remain visible after closing it. Basically, lock the scroll position according to the leftmost Pane and all will be good.
This behavior is particularly aggravating when you consider that inserting a new Pane – which is placed at the rightmost position of the Board – never scrolls the Board to show the newly-created Pane, giving the user zero feedback that they did in fact just create a new Pane.
This is more of those “little frictions” that make it easy to delete an app when you’re still in the trial/demo phase.