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  • Am I Missing How to Search All Boards?

I see there is a keyboard shortcut for searching all boards, but I am looking for a way to search in a panel and have all responses come up in that panel from all my boards. Is there a way to do this?

First I think there may be a bit of confusion between documents vs. boards. Documents are where all your data is stored, and you can create multiple documents for separate areas. Panes are a view into any of your documents. And Boards are a collection of Panes. So Boards themselves don’t contain any data, they’re just views into documents.

The global search feature searches across all documents, so it should be finding any item in any document. Is it not finding particular items? Or are you wanting to search for a Board to switch to?

    Jay Thank you for your help. You’re right, I’m probably mixing up terminology.

    Global search does work for me, but I’m seeing it as a pop up that goes away once I’ve picked an option.

    I’m looking for something that works within the search function of a pane across all of my items.

    Does that make more sense?

      Currently, there is no way to “global search” within a pane. The pane is pointed to a single location (a top level “document”, or you can use this to drill down into nodes as far as you like and limit the search to just a specific node.). I consider this a huge FEATURE of legend - and love this ability to have everything together, and use zoom to limit my views.

      For this reason, I (and I think other experienced users) suggest using the MINIMUM number of documents that make sense for your context; and only using documents for things you really want totally separate.

      So, for example - for my use, it makes sense to have a “Home” document and a “Work” document. Those are completely different and separate areas for me - different tags, different organization, different uses, and they do not overlap. I don’t want to see “work” stuff when I’m thinking about home, and I don’t want to see home stuff at work.

      It does NOT make sense for me to have separate documents for each project (for example) as that is just breaking things up to much. Instead, I have nodes within my “Home” outline for - Active projects, Someday/Maybe Projects and I use the zoom feature of panes to limit my views and searches to the relevant area. But I can point a pane to the top level “Home” document to search everything.

      Hopefully that helps! It can be a different paradigm if you’re used to a system where every “project” (or every life area, etc) would be it’s own document… for most people, I suggest that paradigm just isn’t the best way to use Legend.

      Adding: Each PANE can point to a different document (or zoom location), and boards can have multiple panes.

      One way I use this - I have an “Agenda” board with two panes - one pointing to my “Home” the other to my “Work” document. So that I can view both areas at the same time to see what is coming up / make sure I’m checking dated items for BOTH areas on a regular basis so I don’t miss things.

      Thank you so much @LauraH ! Yes, this is the info that I was looking for. That makes sense and helps so much! I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

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