This is a bug that @Jerud found:
Given a task item with a date and displayed in an agenda pane
e.g. [] Call bob to solve This problem !today
a) When you place the cursor before the Call word and press enter, instead of leaving the task alone and bringing the CAll Bob to solve this problem !today to a task below it, this simply creates an empty task below. Completely undesirable and infunctional. In fact when you place the cursor anywhere in the middle of the item and press enter the same thing thappens instead of moving the rest of the text down one line it just inserts and empty line with the same due date. Apparently it only brings down the due date.
Actually if you click enter right after the newly created item below instead of creating a new line it creates a copy of the same item [] !today and it becomes repetivie no matter how many times you click enter

This means you can never split an item in the agenda pane in the same way you an do it on an outline pane.