For any date-based GB Pane – except for Agenda/Date (which…aren’t these the same?!?) – the following bugs make them essentially unusuable:
- Can’t reverse the sort order, so you’re always stuck with oldest-first, which is rarely helpful
- Source items from across Documents and completely ignore Zoom. Agenda panes do this, and it makes sense for agendas, but that behavior absolutely shouldn’t apply for all date-based GB Panes any more than it applies to the non-date GB Panes.
- Unpredictable sorting results when parents and children have contradictory properties such as priority.
- “Complete date” based panes show completes regardless of filter setting (understandable, but why not just force the “hide completes” filter off?). But get this: if you change the Panetype to another one, that forced-show-completes property doesn’t go away!
Also, not quite a bug, but very confusing: If children have different dates from their parents, they still appear under their Parent in Outline views, but – since modified, completed, and created dates aren’t visible without right-clicking – it’s extremely easy to misconstrue what you’re looking at.