Technically not a bug but a bad design choice IMO. As a basic idea Legend is an outliner.
If I start an outliner in this forum
Text without an outline is to the left
- the text will be indented three characters when I use a number outline
- a bullet outline is the same - it has 3 characters before the start of the string of text
In the context of forums or text editors it makes sense to make the “bullet” or “number” indent and be more to the right than non outline text
In the context of an outliner it makes things confusing - it is harder to see what is at which level. Text that is bulleted or is a number has an indentation which is more to the right. I looks as if it is the next level while it is not.
So in Legend:

This is counterintuitive and I often notice having to think about what is which level of indentation.
Love Legend though nonetheless