Hard to say without knowing your workflow, but some half-ideas in case that helps…
The closest you’re gonna get to sorting these items to the bottom of a dated list like Things3 is by customizing Agenda Panes in Settings to sort #someday
to the bottom.
- To speed up application of the tag you can make it be something arbitrary like
, which would also sort to the bottom of GB-Tags panes as a bonus. There aren’t many characters that sort after “z”.
- For quickly applying the tag, you might add a text expander utility to your computer – a good productivity hack anyway – so you can apply that tag with a quick keystroke. I like Espanso but there are many. Yet another rabbit hole…!
Or use an advanced filter that includes these items along with your dated items in spite of being undated. You’ll need to identify them somehow though, such as applying “star”:
has:date OR (-has:date AND has:star)
You could then flatten that pane and sort on date…if you’re brave. I have found that sorting on date outside of Agenda Panes can get sketchy. YMMV
You should also be able to use a GB-date pane if you don’t want it formatted as Agenda. The last group would be “no date” and these items (and only these items) would appear there, which is exactly what you wanted…but don’t try unless you’re ready to throw things and cry. I’ve never been able to coax reliable (or even comprehensible) behavior out of GB-date panetypes. 😭
If you don’t want to give up stars for other uses, I suggest looking at the “highlight” formatting option. It can be applied with a hotkey, filtered using is:highlighted
and visually controlled with the theme tools. If you want these items to look identical to regular items but just faded, use:
Display Settings –> Colors
.highlight {
background-color: #00000000;
color: #(pick-something-lighter-than-normal);
(note that is -eight- zeroes for the bg color; the first 6 actually don’t matter because “00” makes it fully transparent)
(or, you can probably just delete the background-color line)
Display Settings –> Layout
.highlight {
(that is, erase everything that’s normally there)
Similarly, you could have that filter act on markdown formatting, such as having it find **
which would act on items that contain bolded text. I have not tested this one, may get weird. It could really be any text that’s suitably unique…