Jay So I keep one desktop of each of my high visiblity projects because I am constantly switching between them from meeting to meeting, so when I switch context toa project I simply switch desktop. IN each desktop I have an instance of Legend opened up in board tuned specifically for that project, along with other windows with related documents, spreadsheets, powerpoints, trackers etc… that my team is working on at the moment.
Additional I keep a desktop for general communication and organization where I have emai, teams, IM and another instance of Legend open where I live most of the day switching between boards when I am not in a working session of any of the major projects.
So usually I keep 3 instances of Legend open. When I dont have meetings on a given project on a given day I ususally do not open that projects instance.
I have to say I work on 4 monitors…. so my laptop…2 big monitors in vertical mode and 1 big one in horizontal mode. I know its a bit crazy. When I am working only in my laptop I feel that I am handtied….