Eik Because everything in Legend is encrypted, the plugins/extensions/widgets/API cannot actually read any of the data. The only thing that’s plaintext is the document names. That’s why the plugins can’t search or match any existing items.

So a user would have to select an “Inbox” item from within the app before the plugin would work. That’s part of why I’m hesitant to go with (only) #3, because it wouldn’t work at all until you’ve taken a specific action within the app, which may be hard to communicate or for users to understand. I think if we want #3 it would have to be in addition to #1 or #2 (or another option?)

Jerud You said #1 but I think described #2?

#1 would be a new Pane type, the “Inbox” Pane which is sourced from a separate part of the database (how saved emails work now).
#2 would be a special document that is not deletable but would be accessed from the Documents list like any other document.

    Jay you’re right i mixed the two up. I’m basically agreeing with the last part of what you said to Eik.

    Rereading, I’m actually unclear on which document there items would actually live in for #1. Or would they not actually be in a document but some kind of purgatory, waiting to be sent to a document by dragging out of the inbox?

    • Jay replied to this.

      Jerud They would live in the user portion of the database, which is how the saved emails work now. Then when you move it to a document it removes it from the user table and into the document table. It’s easier technically to do that because it doesn’t have to depend on a specific document existing, which requires it to have been created by some client and ensured to never be deleted, and lots of extra logic for managing it. Even if we made it act like a special document, we might still store it in the user table since it’s a lot easier (and we’re going to remove the backend concept of documents somewhat soon).

      Consider creating a fixed sidebar pane (presumably docked to the left) that can be activated from any board that would by default show the default Inbox.

      It could then be used for other useful things that we have discussed before, like a global search that does not have to be invoked from an outline pane but can be invoked anywhere.

      There are probably other useful things that can be done with a fixed side pan like this.

        Option #3 fits best with the way my brain and system already work.
        That said - all three options would be totally fine - and as a user I could easily adapt my workflow to fit which ever of those models was implemented.

        So I agree with Jerud - Ideal would be option #2 for those who haven’t set it up AND option #3 for those of us that would like more control. 🙂 I suggest the pane, rather than a separate document because of your “new users” issue. If folks don’t understand the “backend” of multiple documents, they may have added an item, then be confused if that item doesn’t come up in a search (for example.) So keep added items in their “main” document - so anything added by the API immediately shows up on searches, etc.

        If I understand your response to Eik - the plugins cannot give us an option to choose the location? If so, that is unfortunate. It would be nice to have the “default” quick entry; but also the option to put it in the right place if I have that level of thought on it…

        • Jay replied to this.

          LauraH The plugins don’t have the ability to list/search items in your documents because their text is encrypted. But we could potentially have settings to set (maybe even a set of multiple) targets for the plugins if that’s useful?

            Jay without needing to decrypt items within documents, can the plugins offer the option of sending to the top of any document rather than the default inbox?

            andrew although I like the idea of a sidebar I think that would be a totally new UI element and maybe a pretty big ask.

            I do want to point out however that this would be (yet another) incredible use case for Popup Panes which already exist in Legend but are just under-developed.

            Being able to invoke a new popup pane from anywhere, potentially with a setting to default to the “inbox” would work a LOT like the sidebar idea in that it would let users “grab” inbox items from any Pane, any Board, on-demand.

            The current popup pane (e.g., the one shown when invoking global search in a popup) is fixed and modal, meaning it’s not designed to be able to interact with the board/panes in the background while open so you can’t drag out of it. For it to function as an Inbox, it would need to be non-modal and movable so you can drag from it to a background pane. It would probably also need to be resizable so that you could see the target pane more easily. So not sure doing that is any easier than creating a fixed side panel, which would be easier to drag from as you wouldn’t need to mess with moving or resizing.

              andrew All great points, in line with what I mean about how popup panes seem like a promising start but definitely aren’t adequate for the job. I’d say they aren’t really adequate for much of anything as-is — my point is that they already exist and could be fixed up to be very useful indeed, both for this and numerous other uses. So it’s about getting the most bang for your development buck. I assume that modifying an existing feature is easier than creating a whole new one — but really have no idea what it takes to make any of this stuff happen!

              2 years later

              Hey, sorry to revive an old thread, but I’m wondering if this has been further developed? Thanks!

              20 days later

              I’d also be interested too. I like the idea of a calendar type inbox where every day is essentially a card that stores Legend items. Into this inbox could flow:

              • Emails dragged over from the email pane.
              • Web sites from the chrome/browser extension.
              • Links to local and cloud files (even better if we can save direct from the Windows file manager or Finder in Macos without having to drag the file over, or by clicking something in the originating app itself - so button in say Word that says save to Legend).
              • Dictated notes (using whisperai would be another bonus as some other apps like Reflect do.

              Once in this inbox they could either be left after being prioritised or they could be dragged/linked/copied into other projects in Legend.

              7 days later

              Hopefully I’m not too late on this….I missed the start of this thread!

              Option 3 seems the closest to what I would like to see: I would also stay away from the term “Inbox” because it is too easily associated with email.

              • In Legend’s prefs, the user selected the Document (possible the entire item hierarchy?) into which all “External Item Adds” would go. For example:

              Legend Prefs / New Items are sent to Document: SamIncomingItems
              ….or better still, adding the hierarchy with
              SamIncomingItems / ToBeSorted

              As far as sanity checking, don’t lock the document. If the user tries to delete a document, it should check the preference setting and provide a warning “This document is being used as the default for incoming items! Are you sure you want to delete it?”. If yes, the preference would be cleared and you lose that ability.

              I’m not a big fan of adding “default inboxes”, and other things that clutter my organization of documents, panes, etc. I’d rather be able to determine said locations of things myself.

              I look forward to an API implementation of adding items like this….Not a day goes by when I don’t hope for the mobile ability to say “Hey Siri, Legend add Mow the Lawn” without some discombobulated paid IFTTT hack.

              4 days later

              andrew The current popup pane (e.g., the one shown when invoking global search in a popup) is fixed and modal, meaning it’s not designed to be able to interact with the board/panes in the background while open so you can’t drag out of it.

              I just reread this and realized your statement here is actually false, and I didn’t catch it.
              I, at least, can absolutely drag items out of a popup pane, which then conveniently hides itself while I drop the item into a background Pane.

              So in that regard as well, Popups could be leveraged to make a rather nifty “inbox” or “new item creation spot” or whatever we should call it. I agree that feature names which push users toward a specific use should be discouraged in Legend since it is oh so versatile and that is one of its strongest aspects.

              Maybe something cute like “item nursery” or “item spawn point”.

              2 months later

              Is there a date by when the API will be implemented? I cannot switch to Legend without it.

              Another good thing about option 3 is that it pretty much lets you simulate 1 and 2 if you like those options.

              3 is definitely the most versatile.

              So to revive @Jerud ’s comment… it has to be quick… Just the item entry description and possibly a note… and then Enter…. that’s it.
              So I think Option #3 is the one that allows everyone to make it work to their taste.

              This discussion has been going on for 3 years. I care less where it goes and more about the timeline on this? Will this be implemented anytime soon?

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