I’ve noticed on several occasions that Clone Pane (from a Pane’s hamburger menu) will sometimes fail to create the new pane on Windows Legend Native. In particular, it seems to happen when I have been working on other Legend platforms (iOS iPhone, OSx,, iOS iPad, Windows Native legend two different machines) for a day or so, then come back to a Windows Native Legend machine that I haven’t used during that time. Knowing this, it may be related to a bug I noticed previously (see https://forum.legendapp.com/d/1734-child-items-temporarily-hidden) that happens under similar circumstances.
I launch Legend Native Windows, have my usual board with a single Pane as expected, select an item, then click the hamburger Clone Pane. It fails to create the new pane. I’ve checked by opening the window wider, and that the border isn’t hiding the new pane. Selecting Clone Pane again fails, as does doing it several times.
Closing Windows Native Legend, then reopening it, then shows several panes open (the same number I had tried to open previously. Therefore, it seems that the Clone Pane is not refreshing the display during that time properly until the next app restart.