Although I understand the technical motivation for the change to documents, I personally see only negatives in the way it’ll affect my use of the app. I already work primarily in a single document. I’ve set up a couple of other documents for discreet projects or issues and would much prefer that tags remain discreet in them.
I really think this hierarchical tag solution breaks the whole intention of tags. The power of tags is that I can filter for #work #finance OR #personal #finance OR #finance (only) …. That is the great flexibility of tags and I think it’d be a terrible idea to break that. (Sure, there maybe other ways to get the search result I’m after but I don’t think they get easier with hierarchies, only harder).
Additionally, imagine I’d created a separate document for a club I’m involved in, and I wanted to tag items with the names of the club members? I don’t want to see a list containing #frankJones #fredNerk #fredSmith #finance #fatherjohn #fun all mushed together because I’m now forced to merge tags across documents.
Perhaps hierarchy could be considered helpful in the example eg I could type #clubmember.frednerk and end up with the hierarchy, but I think it needs to be designed in such a way that the hierarchy system stays mostly out of the way.
Although even if it is kept out of the way, I think we’re working complexity into something that is powerful in simplicity. I think it’ll impose complexity and ugliness to tags. eg I MUST use a prefix/hierarchy for those names. What if I have two club “documents”? Now (because of my individual needs) I have to impose the use of #clubname.clubmember.frednerk even though that’s redundant for the members who are only in one club “document”.
I wonder if the simplest solution is to emulate documents as they currently are (even if the distinction is now logical instead of physical) and then provide an OPTION of “share my tags across documents” or “keep tags in their own documents”.