Jay This makes sense to me, that Projects should always appear the same while Headings automatically adjust. I made that change in the latest update.
I don’t think that change works very well, unfortunately. When I said I’d probably want projects all the same size, I had in mind that they’d be the same size as regular items, maybe not even bold. But having them all at H1 size isn’t good - I don’t want to see an H1-sized project inside an H2 or H3 heading. Here’s how it was before the update, which is not so bad:

But after the update, the projects are too big relative to the headings; it doesn’t look right at all:

Setting them to different sizes to match the headings doesn’t work, because the headings change according to zoom, while the projects don’t. I can make the projects all one small size using ^^^^
, which looks better, but is kind of an obscure “weird trick” that people would have to learn:

Also, I imagine that people who were using old-projects mainly as projects rather than headings, and will convert them to new-projects, might not like that they don’t auto-size anymore, or if they all become an H4 size.
I’m a bit overwhelmed on what to do here as it’s become so controversial 😆. I think auto sizing headings is desirable in a lot of cases, but it’s certainly confusing when something changes size from what you intended. I think we added auto-sizing before I added the possibility to size manually. So now that we have manual sizing, maybe auto sizing is too much magic and we should remove it and just let users decide how big they want them to be? Or should it be a setting that can be disabled?
As I said, I’m perfectly happy with the way auto-sizing works for headings, and possibly it’s ok for projects too. I don’t want to spend the time to think about and manually set different sizes, because I always indent them. If they auto-size, I do want them to change when I zoom. My notes are organized more like a hyper-linked Wiki, with headings representing “pages” for topics. It’s also structured in a hierarchy, where pages can contain other pages, but when I click a link to go to another page, I don’t want it to suddenly look smaller, because of where it happens to be in the hierarchy. I’d like to have a consistent look for all my pages. For example:

When I click the links to go between “rabbits” and “carrots”, the pages should look the same. It’s generally not important to me that “carrots” happens to be one level deeper in some branch. I can see that in the breadcrumbs at the top.
It wouldn’t be the end of the world if auto-sizing was removed, and all my headings were the same size, but I’d prefer to keep the auto-size option if possible. Even if all headings were the same though, I don’t think I’d want projects to be the same, large size as them. But I’m still not really sure whether or how I’d use projects.