Are we talking about two (or more) different things? @Tom123 , what do you mean by “nesting tables within each bullet”?
Workflowy’s kanban board view turns each top-level item in an outline (whatever you’re zoomed into) into a column. It makes better use of screen space, especially if you have a long, narrow, vertical list of items in a few different categories. You click a button to change views, so this:
becomes this:
It could be useful if you want to set up a Trello-style board, but unless you structure your information that way, it’s kind of limited otherwise. I don’t think you can mix views, i.e. have a normal outline where some of the sub-items have columns.
A different thing would be supporting basic tables as an item type. This is an example from Notebook, but some other outliners also support tables:
You could let people simply type in Markdown-formatted tables, and render them. To be really useful, the table would support simple calculations, like adding up the totals.
A third type would be columns across all items. OmniOutliner has this, and it’s incredibly useful for projects and other things. There are different column types (number, time, pop-up list, etc.) and automatic calculation of totals and subtotals:
I assume it would be a lot of work to add fully customizable columns like this to Legend, and probably not going to happen anytime soon, but just putting it out there for brainstorming. I find the auto-summing time estimates especially useful, though they wouldn’t neccessarily need columns; for example, Checkvist does it using special tags.