webalstrom That info about CSS in dynalist is very encouraging…and overwhelming. I’m not a code guy; I can copy/paste snippets and make simple changes but coming up with novel functionality is well beyond what I’m ever likely to achieve.
What strikes me the most in what you’ve linked is: the Dynalist community is collaborating and developing solutions by directly sharing their Dynalist content. We need that.
LauraH Yeah I know many want a tag organizer, and that other thread about the new document structure in Legend definitely makes me think we’ll need more control over tags going forward.
Tag “prefixes” as you describe and as I’ve tried to emulate are a solution that doesn’t require a manager, but we do REALLY need a way to do bulk tag actions such as find/replace, delete-all, etc., and a tag manager could offer that. Such a tool might actually improve our ability to beta test and investigate bugs.
I painstakingly, manually, changed all my existing tags to use the version of prefixes that I had cooked up. Stupid me, I didn’t test them first; Legend doesn’t handle symbols well in filter criteria so my prefixes are all useless. Filtering a Pane on “#@” returns every #tag in the document, regardless of its first character. Now, this is a bug and I’m sure it’ll be fixed someday…but who knows how long it’ll be; I still have 4-year-old bugs in my queue. With a tag manager I could easily just pivot to a different prefix with find/replace and the impact would be low – I could keep moving forward with my use of Legend even if it weren’t “ideal”. Now I have to decide if this is worth burning more hours on manually re-changing my tags (only to eventually change them again in the future, when the filter is fixed). Maybe I export to text, run find/replace, then re-import…ugh.