Jay There is already a global hotkey for the New Item menu (in the poorly named Desktop section of settings)
Is it possible to make the “new item” dialog pop up by itself? Today this keystroke actually switches to Legend and then opens the dialog, which is why I never bother to use it: I could almost as easily alt+tab to Legend and not have to use the dialog.
Clipboard auto-fill sounds cool. There’s probably a few other neat ways to expand this feature in general.
Jay And the command palette is now centered on screen rather than being inside a pane. I could try it at a larger height.
I like it centered, and don’t see any advantage to making it less-than-full-height; the more I can see the less I have to scroll (nice when using keyboard). I consider the current height a minimum for usability.
It also seems like the box could stand to be a bit wider; look at “prefix task”

This applies equally to the Global Search (which is now, apparently, the same box). Chopping the items at one line seems ok to me – the way the lines used to “jump” on mouseover due to text wrapping was distracting.
BTW I like the “float in from top” animation these boxes appear with!
Re: Global Search and Command Palette being the same box:
- If you open one first, you can’t then open the other without closing first (using hotkeys). You can switch between them by clicking the icon.
- Being able to switch between the two is interesting…but not super helpful and may not be worth the potential confusion (especially since the box has no “title” making its purpose clear). Seems like keeping the two boxes entirely separate would be clearer.
- The “>” icon that represents the Command Palette isn’t an ideal choice. > is already overused in the Legend UI and especially in this location it looks like an “expander”. Even a “?” icon would be better here (and would at least reflect the hotkey).
- I generally don’t see value in these using the same box. If they need to be the same from a programming perspective…then maybe just don’t make that visually apparent and don’t let us switch between them – so it feels like two boxes?
The hotkeys aren’t organized quite the same way in Settings as they are in the Palette, and actually the organization of both is rather “coarse”. I could put more thought into this but some initial suggestions are:
- “Navigation” (moving cursor or focus, applies to panes, boards, items - anywhere)
- “Boards” (Add Pane,
- “Panes” (Filters, views, expand/collapse)
- “Items” (prefixes, move command, indent/unindent)
- “Formatting” (bold, italic, etc. – or maybe just put with Items)
- “Views” (set view to ___, zoom)
- “Global” (Overview, Palette, Global Search, Undo/Redo )
- “Specialty” (Email, calendar commands)
What if the hotkeys were actually edited right in the Palette, instead of Settings? That might be more work up front but easier to maintain? Certainly easier as a user.
I suggest “Filter” should be called “Edit Filter” for clarity
The Grouping names are also a bit light and easy to miss, but that may just be my theme choices.
Collapse to level X – happy to see that added! Seems to work fine at first blush but I’ll have to dream up some hotkeys and really try it out.