I’ve been playing with the idea of a ‘modified icon’ as mentioned with some type of arrow for links/mirrors. I like Jorge’s idea of the different arrows indicating a link source vs a link destination. However…..
As I played with this, it became more evident that a physical modification of the existing icons would be messy for some of the following reasons:
-Since different item types can be mirrors/links, i.e. Tasks, Bullets, Numbered Lists, Projects, each would require such a similiar modification. They wouldn’t all look as visually attractive and may not be as recognizable after the modification.
-Color should not be used to indicate a link/mirror. It is too useful as a user mod (text colors, backgrounds, highlights) to be used for anything else.
-The best location would seem to be immediately after the bullet/numbered list/project/task existing icon, either as a new narrow column, or as the first character of an item. To wit….
[Bullet Icon] [Link/Mirror Icon} Mow the lawn.
As for suggestions for the Link/Mirror Icon, how about a small arrow pointing to the right (towards the text of the item,
For the link source, the ‘base’ of the arrow would be brighter than the arrowhead.
For the link destination, the ‘base’ of the arrow would be the default color, and the arrowhead would be the brighter color.
More consistent with a single icon able to indicate two ‘parts’ of the same thing (a link).
As for the Mirror, how about two tall, think grey vertical lines. separated by a couple pixels (as to not be confused by two lower case “L” characters.
The default for these new icons should match the color of the existing bullet points, but perhaps they could have their two-color parts in the settings/colors section for customizing by the users in the future.
I’m a little mixed in the addition of this link/mirror column in that it would make items with links and/or mirrors ’idented" further to the right, making them no longer aligned with other items. So discussion of “should this be a permanent color left blank if there is no mirror/link” should take place. Perhaps locating this column all the way to the left, even left of the collapser column would be better?