Not sure if the problem is with how recurring dates are being handled or the grouping functionality.
Given a recurring transaction that occurs every month.
When a pane is displayed as Outline grouped by Agenda, Agenda mode: All
The transaction (which is next due on June 4, and today being May 3) shows up as overdue, which is incorrect as the transaction is due one month from today.

My guess is that the interpreation of dates is being incorrectly managed between the traditional international date format and the typical US date format.
June 4 in US format is 6/4/2023
June 4 in international format is 2023/6/4
June 4 in DMY format (which is the one I have Legend set to) is 4/6/2023
Today is May 3 (5/3/2023, or ⅗/2023 or 2023/5/3)
If the app is reading 4/6/2023 and interperting in US date format it’s thinking that it was due April 6 and that could be why it’s displaying it as overdue.