Hey Jay - Understand how this is a tough concept to try and communicate!
I looked over the “new user” link you shared. One challenge would seem to be that it shows a lot of the views / features - without clarifying the underling outline structure that seems (to me) to be fundamental to understanding Legend.
Yes, the panes, views, filters are huge, and they are the “selling points” you show off on the website, etc.
However, once someone actually tries to start in Legend - I wonder if there is value in stating very clearly something like, “Welcome to Legend. In this pane you are seeing the core / basic structure of Legend - a document of a text based, infinite outline. Each line of this outline is it’s own ITEM. All the other features and functions - kanban boards, tag views, group by priority, and more - are different VIEWS you can create and interact with based on this core outline of items.” ???
From posts here in the forum, it seems at least a few of us “think this way” when setting up our systems, using Legend. So maybe it’s helpful to set new users up with that mindset from the start?
Another idea to consider - Legend is enough of a “shift” from standard software that some kind of onboarding / intro video really is crucial for people to even get started. I recently tested some new software that started with a “How to use this program” video when I launched it. When I went to click and close this intro video, the software popped up a message that said something like, “Please wait a moment! WE believe this 3 minute video is so crucial to you understanding and being able to effectively use our software that we will give you a FREE $10 toward your subscription simply for finishing watching this video.”
It was such an interesting approach, and so clearly communicated, “We want you to understand our software!!!!” that I went ahead and watched the 3min video.