Saved queries (searches)

that would be great!

What? I don’t quite understand what Saved queries (searches) mean? The filter text is always preserved? Isn’t the current one always preserved?

What you enter on the filter stays there as long as you don’t delete it yourself whether you refresh the page or log back in on another device

Or do you want to create a board that keeps filtering kanban? You could check out the help page for kanban there

To achieve the same effect in legend is to create multiple panes, each pane holds what you want to search for. You can select a board. Create multiple panes. Click on a board to view your multiple fixed search content at the same time. Or create multiple board. A board places a pane with your search content fixed. Equivalent to clicking a board to open a fixed search content

    Ok. I got it.
    I’m still getting used to how to do things in legend.
    But on mobile, only one board appears, right?

      jcm yep , But if you want, the mobile phone supports unlimited panes,

      Also note: on desktop versions, once you get a board set up with the views / filters you desire - you can right click on the board name and, “Save View as Default”.
      Then, if you use a board and end up “messing it up” - changing views, adjusting filters, whatever - you can right click the board name again and “Restore Default View” to go back to your original setup.

      I use this all the time - I get boards set up for my workflows, then in the process of using the app, “mess them up”… I love being able to reset them to the default, the “saved Search” feature in many ways.

        Sort of a related question to LauraH’s explanation on reverting to the saved default view: How can you do this on mobile? If I change a filter or navigate to a different document, how can I make that pane go back to what I originally wanted to see?

        I suppose I can hit the back arrow until I get back to the original view, but if you’ve made lots of changes (change documents, add a filter, change the filter, go to a different document, zoom in and out) that would be many back clicks to get back to the default view.

          I’m not aware of a way to do this ON mobile. Two ways I navigate this…
          1). I have my desired mobile board saved on desktop, and use desktop to “reset to default” if I’ve messed them up on my phone.
          2). I have a pane labeled: “SCRATCH” as one of the mobile panes. I try to be disciplined about moving to that pane on mobile if I’m going to be zooming, filtering, changing docs, etc. SCRATCH is my place to go for anything that doesn’t fit my default mobile panes.

            LauraH Yeah I do the same thing. It would be easier if there was a way to return to default right on the mobile. Use case: I have my ToDo list set up with a long elaborate filter. But if I want to narrow that list down to just home items or work items, I have to alter the filter.

            Perhaps I’ll put in a feature request since @Jay is going to be working on the mobile app sometime soon.

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