Greetings. First of all, let me say that I love Legend. I only started using it in earnest last week, but I am finding that it really clicks with how I work and think… so thank you.

I did uncover what appears to be a disturbing bug. Over the weekend I was working on my MacBook on an existing document while offline. This morning I opened the document in Chrome on my Windows PC at work and realized I hadn’t sync’d my weekend work. So I opened my MacBook and sync’d. The bullet I had added to my document had sync’d, but it was not nested where it should have, and an existing bullet had been incorrectly nested. I’ve attached two screenshots which indicate this problem.

  • Jay replied to this.

    Hi SteveZ! Glad to hear you’re liking it so far!

    A couple questions to help reproduce this:

    1. Did it still look correct on the MacBook after the sync?
    2. Does refreshing the Windows one make it display correctly?
    3. If not, does signing out and back in on the Windows one fix it?

    Unfortunately, I already manually fixed the Windows/Chrome “version.” But that implies that it stayed incorrect and didn’t adjust after some time. I have recreated the situation that led to this:

    1. Working offline on my MacBook.
    2. Opening Legend in Windows/Chrome on my PC.
    3. Making an edit (in this case, adding a bullet)
    4. Then getting my MacBook back online and syncing

    The result wasn’t exactly the same, but was incorrect. A bullet I created on my MacBook, was uploaded, but had been nested one level too deep. None of the existing bullets in Windows/Chrome as affected (unlike my previous experience where it seemed two bullets were transposed.

    I tried a hard reload (ctrl-f5) in Chrome and that didn’t fix it.

    Is that helpful?

    So you added an item on the MacBook while offline, then added a different item on Windows while online, and then taking the MacBook online transposed the bullets?

    Did the items have the same parent or are they near each other?

    Did it transpose in both instances? Or is it correct in one but wrong in the other?

      Jay They were near each other. In the first experience of this, the two items were transposed. In my recreation today the two items remained in the correct order, but the one I had created on my MacBook was indented on the Windows/Chrome where it shouldn’t have been.

      • Jay replied to this.

        Ok, thanks. I’ll try to reproduce it and fix it.

        8 days later

        SteveZ I have this fixed now and will release it soon after giving it some more extensive testing.

          Jay Great. I am glad it wasn’t just me. Thanks for the update.

          • Jay replied to this.

            SteveZ Just released the update to fix it. I wasn’t able to reproduce the exact transposing issues, but fixed what I think is the root cause. Could you please give it another test now and see if your testing works right now?

              Jay Hi, Jay. I am sorry to report that the issue… at least to some extent… still persists. The items were in the correct order, but the one I had created first on my offline MacBook was nested where it shouldn’t have been when the MacBook sync’d. This was a quick one-off test. I’ll test again and let you know what happens.

              • Jay replied to this.

                SteveZ has this issue come up again? I have been trying to reproduce it but can’t manage to get items to be nested in the wrong place. Maybe when it happened to you after the update it was a leftover mistake from before the update?

                  Jay When I get some time I will recreate the conditions that led to it and see if it persists.

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