Jorge My empty boards all come back when I open the mobile app in stable (which happens when clearing the cache or reinstalling because it is in stable by default upon first loading). Same thing happens when I open stable in an incognito browser window. And the empty boards appear in both the beta and stable. I delete them and then they come right back in both within a minute.
In addition, in attempt to get rid of the multiple panes reappearing in my Mobile board, I just deleted my Mobile board (in beta) and created a new Mobile board, but that didn’t load in my mobile app now (probably because it was created in beta?) so when I ran the mobile app, it showed a blank screen with no tabs and no menu button, so I couldn’t access the menu to switch it to beta. So I created a Mobile board (with 2 outline panes) in stable in an incognito browser, then ran the mobile app and it then showed 10 outline panes. I switched the mobile app to beta, activated the Mobile pane in desktop in beta (to convert it to beta), and re-signed in to mobile, but mobile went back to showing no panes at all (just the thin line across the bottom and no menu button).
Edit: And now a new Mobile board appeared in my desktop beta and does open on my mobile app. Was that Mobile board somehow created automatically after I deleted my original Moible board?