Jorge Yes, the new app version fixes email not working on Windows. I forgot to post it in the updates thread, updated now.
I don’t understand how app updates could delete backups. There’s no code in there for deleting files so I have no idea why that’s happening, and I haven’t been able to reproduce it myself. Did 2.0.12 delete backups too?
I have good news! I am finally able to reproduce the errors you (@Jorge) are hitting myself, and I’m working on fixing it now. What’s happening is that Firebase is throwing a “Write too large” error when saving panes, and that causes it to:
- Never be able to save again
- Go into a spiral of slowness while it keeps trying and failing to save huge data
The problem is that panes save a collapsed state with ids of all of the collapsed items. In the current sync system it saves panes as a big string of text with the data of the pane state, so any tiny change like tweaking a filter has to save all of that again.
In the new sync system it saves panes as an object (which is why it uses a different database property), and so I can improve it to only trigger the minimal amount of updates to the database. And I could also look into optimizing collapsed state to need to save less data.
I’ve never seen this error before myself and I could never figure out how to reproduce it, but your previous comment about the Agenda pane just locked me onto the key step. I imported one of your big documents (encrypted and garbled) and then switched into every view mode and collapsed all, then uncollapsed all, then added 4 more panes and repeated. Having all those panes with multiple collapse states in each one made it hit the “Write too large” error, so now I can fix it 🙂.
Inbox item
I haven’t gotten to that yet - I’m working on the above sync problem first, then once that’s done I’ll figure out what happened to the Inbox item. I’ll let you know what I find, so no need for you to try to find it with each update.