Jorge Thanks for the heads up. I did notice one of the ghost boards was one of my real boards that had lost it’s name. The other boards (which I have deleted) are all blank and have the “Create a new board” screen. But it does make me nervous to do anything in Legend.

I also found out a little bit ago that I lost some data. I had copied and pasted some stuff yesterday, move it around within the parent node and collapsed it. I know I entered this info because I found it in my copy and paste history. Fortunately, it wasn’t anything significant, but it makes me nervous about what else I might lose without even knowing it.

I think the boards issue is some weird conflict created when using both stable and beta, which I didn’t test enough. Stable and beta use the same board object in the database, but with different property names, so there’s some weirdness when syncing both.

I’m just getting on a long flight but I will fix these issues ASAP when I arrive.

I have the boards problem fixed, just testing it some more and trying to track down Jorge’s other issues before I release it. The problem was that updates from the stable version used the old property names, so the beta version thought there was no name at all, so it defaulted to “Board”.

webalstrom One of the changes in beta (which I forgot I’d made) is that I was trying to make Document grouping/sorting more intuitive. The ordering method had previously been a bit broken by default (it was basically sorting them randomly and might change when signing out/back in) and only really worked correctly if you manually sorted them. So I thought just alphabetizing documents would be better and clearer?

But do you think it’s better to sort them manually? I can bring back the previous behavior and try to make the default sorting work better.

    I just released an update which should fix the board sync issues and hopefully will fix the loading errors @Jorge saw.

    Running the beta in a private window is a good idea. I think if we see any more errors they are likely going to be in the local cache, so then you can easily obliterate it.

    @Jorge Can you please try this latest version in a private window and let me know if you see it go offline or get stuck on Loading Documents… again? If it does, could you send me a screenshot of the Console in the browser developer tools?

    I am keeping two instances of the beta and one of stable open for a while, hoping if any of these bugs still exist I can get them to happen to me 🙂

    Btw, the “Loading documents” message should not take any longer than usual to load. That message just replaces the previous empty white (or dark) screen while loading from the local cache. If it’s taking unusually long it’s probably stuck. I will have an improvement to load time coming soon though! I have a new approach to caching the text parsing results so it doesn’t have to parse all of the text on every load that I made while offline on the plan. It’s working well but needs more testing. And I just want to stabilize the current beta changes before I throw another big change in there…

      Jay - I liked being able to arrange them in the order I wanted (Inbox on top, a document with a number next, the Work, Personal). But I can live with them in alphabetical order. That is Outlook does with my email folders and what the file manager does with all my folders and files. That said, it would be nice to have the ability to put them in the order I would like, but this is not a big issue. So perhaps a someday/maybe?

      As far as the latest update, the GhostBoard issues seem to be fixed, but it did take several reloads of both the stable and the beta to get them to go away. Everything seems to be running smoothly now and I was able to get my beta running again after downloading the updated Windows app. It was a rocky few days, but things seem to be working again.

      Thanks @Jay I’ll get on it. Question did you release a newer desktop version after 2.0.11? It’s asking me to upgrade again but I see no publishing of a 2.0.12, and given my discovery of what it does with backups I want to preserve them before I upgrade again, but not sure if maybe you fix that and then I shouldtest that while upgrading…

      • Jay replied to this.

        I’ve noticed though that the stable version doesn’t let me save the boards as default any more. I’ve saved them and when I look back the option to restore is grayed out.

        In the beta version (in the private window) I am able to restore from the default save though.

        HOWEVER, I am sorry to say that my Inbox is still a no show in the Beta version, in any board or pane.
        My memory footprint does go to hell with having 4 Legend windows open in parallel each Legend instance takes anywhere from 1.5 to 4 GB depending on how much I’ve worked on it and how many windows I open on it.

        Even though I postponed the upgrade in my desktop app, the next time it got a white screen and rebooted, it performed the upgrade to 2.0.12 (thank fully I had saved the backups before that).

        After entering the first password for my first (not my largest) document it took it a good 30 seconds to load it (not unusual for me), and as I started scrolling down in the agenda pane where it was loaded, I got the White Screen of Death.

        Restarted the app, tried scrolling down the same agenda pane and now it worked fine. When I opened the 2nd (my largest) document again the app exploded and had to restart.

        A little after that my whole browser (where I was running the beta) exploded, both private and public windows.

        After restarting thebrowser and relogging again, the “Lading documents…” takes about 15 seconds before asking for my main password. I like that selecting new documents for a pane the whole overview outline is completely collapsed.


        Jorge Yes, the new app version fixes email not working on Windows. I forgot to post it in the updates thread, updated now.

        I don’t understand how app updates could delete backups. There’s no code in there for deleting files so I have no idea why that’s happening, and I haven’t been able to reproduce it myself. Did 2.0.12 delete backups too?


        I have good news! I am finally able to reproduce the errors you (@Jorge) are hitting myself, and I’m working on fixing it now. What’s happening is that Firebase is throwing a “Write too large” error when saving panes, and that causes it to:

        1. Never be able to save again
        2. Go into a spiral of slowness while it keeps trying and failing to save huge data

        The problem is that panes save a collapsed state with ids of all of the collapsed items. In the current sync system it saves panes as a big string of text with the data of the pane state, so any tiny change like tweaking a filter has to save all of that again.

        In the new sync system it saves panes as an object (which is why it uses a different database property), and so I can improve it to only trigger the minimal amount of updates to the database. And I could also look into optimizing collapsed state to need to save less data.

        I’ve never seen this error before myself and I could never figure out how to reproduce it, but your previous comment about the Agenda pane just locked me onto the key step. I imported one of your big documents (encrypted and garbled) and then switched into every view mode and collapsed all, then uncollapsed all, then added 4 more panes and repeated. Having all those panes with multiple collapse states in each one made it hit the “Write too large” error, so now I can fix it 🙂.

        Inbox item

        I haven’t gotten to that yet - I’m working on the above sync problem first, then once that’s done I’ll figure out what happened to the Inbox item. I’ll let you know what I find, so no need for you to try to find it with each update.

          Jay Did 2.0.12 delete backups too?

          Yes it did. Every time I install a new desktop app, the whole directory is cleaned (and so the backups folder goes with it).

          Jay Having all those panes with multiple collapse states in each one made it hit the “Write too large” error, so now I can fix it 🙂.

          Great!!!!! Thats’s great news!!!

          Jay @Jorge Can you please try this latest version in a private window and let me know if you see it go offline or get stuck on Loading Documents… again? If it does, could you send me a screenshot of the Console in the browser developer tools?

          Yes it did once more. It loaded, was responsive for a little while, then froze up for a few seconds and then went offline. I think you ahve already reproduced the problem and are fixing it, but here is the screenshot anyways:

          I have IM you the full log (as it is quite long)

          Still getting ghot boards in the beta version running along the stable.
          ONe empty board created and another board mapped to an existing board in the stable version.

          This time i am not deleting any ghost boards from the beta version.

          @Jay As you know I’ve been running the beta version at the same time as the stable version. Thestable version still has the problem that goes offline every now and then, and supposedly the sync system should have fixed that for the beta. But today I was entering some text entries in the stable version in the desktop app and it suddenly went offline. So concerned about what did make it, I switched to the beta version only to find that the text hadn’t made it and that it too was offline (it had been online an hour or so earlier today).

          So then I went to the stable version in the browser (opened new) and that one was online and all my text entries from the desktop had thankfully made it to the browser based stable version.

          I have refreshed the beta version in the browser and it starts online, then it starts shifting very quickly between online<>offline until it remains permanently offline.
          I’ll try closing the private window and reopening it again.

          Update: Closing and reopening again the beta in private window allows it to become online again and sure enough all my new text entries were there.

          • Jay replied to this.

            Jorge I have those problems fixed and am finishing testing them. The new system had some cases that were VERY slow with syncing board collapsed state so it could get stuck, but they were easily fixable. There was a lot of room for improvement so it’s taken more time than expected, but it should improve things for you a great deal. I’ve almost got it done now, and am hoping to release an update tonight (in Japan time).

            I was a little ambitious and time got away from me today, but I can’t find any more issues so I think it’s good to go. I just need to test that it still works with boards from stable and hopefully can release tomorrow.

              Jay Thanks Jay. I am sure this will benefit everyone as well.

              At long last it seems ready to go 🙂. But it’s after midnight here so I’ll hold off and release it in the morning. Basically the problem was that boards were saving/syncing way too much data. I had been intending to optimize board sync later but it turned out to actually be the source of a lot of problems, so I just went for it.

              • Collapsing all would mark every item as collapsed. In the case of huge documents of 50k+ items that could be over 15k collapses. Saving that would slow things down until it finished, and sometimes it would never finish. It now toggles a “base” collapsed state, so collapse all changes just one thing.
              • Any change to a pane was saving the whole pane, including the collapsed state for every view the pane had used (which could be very big). Saves are now extremely targeted and save only what changed.
              • A big save could get stuck and make the app slow for a while. In the worst case it could delay future saves, or if it failed because of being to big, it could even prevent any syncing. It now catches and reports when saves are too big, but the combination of the above two things and other fixes should make saves never be too big.

              Long story short, I think this will be a big improvement.

              Maybe I should wait for you to push this recent update…I just tried going back to beta yesterday. I had to switch back to stable and then to beta again, plus relaunch the app several times before my boards came up. No boards lost, no zombie boards appeared. But some things are ‘off’. Skimming the above, looks like others are seeing some of this. Here’s the brief version of my first hour on the new beta:

              • Documents have reordered themselves in the Overview drawer and cannot be manually ordered
              • Sometimes panes will just be blank, especially popup panes, evidently triggered by reordering an item. Possibly aggravated by using keyboard shortcut to reorder the item.
              • Mirrors are unreliable; I created one (alt+drag) and the resulting item had no tally box but still reflected changes back to the original and prompted “this one” or “all” upon delete. I copied that item text, deleted both mirrors, and re-created the item and a new mirror successfully.
              • Keyboard use is degraded – why does this have anything to do with the backend?:
                • Panes randomly lose focus in the middle of typing. This is null focus; no way to get it back without clicking somewhere.
                • Arrow-navigation gets ‘stuck’ on regular items as if they were links, but no link or mirror is anywhere nearby.
                • Arrowing jumps unpredictably – sometimes if I’m at the end of an item and press “down” the cursor jumps to the beginning of the next item, and sometimes it just jumps straight down. If I go back up and down again, I may get a different behavior.
                • The cursor sometimes gets out ahead of text while typing.
              • I added a new top-level branch to one of my docs in beta and switched back to stable; it does not appear. I added new items in stable and those DO appear in beta. So for some reason I grabbed the branch that didn’t sync and ctrl+dragged to copy it to a different location in that same document. The result looked like this:

              At one point I managed to turn an existing mirrored item into gibberish similar to the above too, though I don’t recall what triggered it.

              I’m going to fully log out, reboot the machine, and try again tonight to see how things are after this newest update. Fingers crossed.
              I guess I’m sticking with beta for now, since it looks like I may lose what I did last night if I revert to stable. While that’s not a hell of a lot, lost time is lost time.

              I also would reconsider releasing this. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I lost my main document… it completely disappeared. Fortunately I had one instance where it wasn’t gone and copied the contents to a new document. It did finally reappear in my Windows desktop instance but it was a version from over a year ago.

              Also I had a new document “My First Document” appear in my document list today.

              I just released an update to the beta which should fix a lot of the sync problems (as I mentioned above in, and it may load faster for some of you.

              It’s not possible for any update to delete anything - there’s not even code anywhere for deleting items or documents. Deleting items only marks them as deleted, but all the data remains, and they would be in the Deleted view. Similarly deleting documents only marks them as deleted and then they’d be in the Trash. So I think documents disappearing would most likely have been a bug in the stable sync system that didn’t save it properly, or it’s a bug in the beta where it’s not loading as expected and just ignoring it. But if you’ve seen in on more than one instance before it is still in the database.

              If the beta is not showing any particular document that is appearing on stable please tell me the name of it so I can investigate your account in the backend and see what about the document would make it fail to load in the beta. I have been stress testing this pretty hard and haven’t been able to find any ways to break the sync, but it’s possible that some old bug from long ago put a document into a state that the beta is having trouble loading.

              The bug with new My First Documents being added is still on my todo list. I saw it happening a while ago when signing into an account with a single encrypted document, but I thought I’d fixed it. I’ll keep looking into it.

              Also if you’re concerned about your data I’d recommend doing a manual backup just to be safe. Using the beta in the app now saves to .json files so you can keep the folder backed up to Dropbox/Drive/git or whatever backup method you use. But for now it’s probably better to run it in an incognito window for testing.

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