@Jay Today I fired up the desktop app and let it stand there for a whil to sync up (as I hadntbeen using the last few days because of the previous bugs). Once it was synced I checked and there were a few items on a pane that is supposed to show me only my Today items (Outline View, AGenda Mode, Agenda Mode All) and I saw that items I had checked as complete in my browser window were not complete in my desktop app. Both desktop and browser are running your latest beta update.
I tried all kinds of combinations in the browser (uncheck, recheck etc…) to get them to sync back in the desktop. Some were synced immediately others simply refused to be synced and stayed as incomplete in my desktop app. I tried to refresh with the menu, restart the desktop app and still they were not synching. AFter trying to mark some complete in the desktop I noticed some refused to be marked as complete. Tried to uncomplete and complete a couple more times and then the whole board kind of went blank and name was again reset to “Board” as so:

After restarting the app the typical ghost board scenario…. boar is empty, no panes and just opening my default non-encrypted document in a single pane.
Will try to logoff and see if it resets.
As an aside, Ive noticed that my Legend\Partitions folder keeps growing steadily. After logging off, which folders if I delete them would be re-built from scratch to eliminate any possible corruption when I log back in??
AFter logging off and logging back on, boards are back in place and panes are correct. However the items that were not being marked as complete in desktop continue being incomplete while they are completed in the browser. Same thing continues to happen some items I mark as complete in the browser, get synced immediately in the desktop but some items remain unsynced.
Ive seen that the items that are failing to update are the google calendar items and not Legend internal items. I checked in settings and the sync is set correclty for those google calendars.
I then proceeded to open up the _legelnd_Boards.json to see the sizes you were talking about and discovered a board that was humongous compared to the the others. I tried the collapse all comand on that board in the desktop app and immediately the board I was sitting on in the browser (which was a different for) went blank in the exact same way desribed above. So issue is not exclusive to the desktop app and indeed is being triggerred by manipulation of these humongou sboards.
Interestingly this is a board (Visit to GT) that used to be have 3 panes and had recently reduced to 1 pane because I was almost done with it and about to delete it. But seeing the size I will continue experimenting on why is the size so big if the board has only one pane which is pointing to a branch that only has 358 items of which all are complete except for 32, and yet the board file reflects 81,158 lines in the json file.
Digging deeper I found that the most number of lines is in the DefaultPanes branch (which I suspect holds the saved default definition of the board), which makes sense because I had saved it when it was big.
With that discovery I started looking for more boards that had those DefaultPanes branches too big and discovered others that had been given me trouble. Such as my Process Inbox board which indeed has a lot of panes I need, but the DefaultPanes contained many times more items than the Panes branch, so i went back and Saved the default Board again, and that got rid of the huge number of lines.
So I am going to go through all my big boards and collapse all in the big panes and then save the default board in an attempt to make sure that the default defintiions have taken the latest shape of the panes without the inefficient storage the previous version so fthe app were using.
Sorry it took me to really need to th ejson structure of the boards to really understand your point on the size of the boards, but more importantly how to fix it. However, this is not task for th e aint of heart of normal users.