Moving emails from Mailbird into Legend isn’t part of my main workflow, especially not with my recent project. But I do have the Legend Pane configured in Mailbird and have been using the feature occasionally as of late. Something weird is definitely going on here.
Last week I saw this duplicating of email-items but was in a rush; I dismissed it as my own mistake and moved on. I just tested it and it is repeatable. Furthermore it looks like something isn’t working with sync between the Mailbird and Legend app instances. Maybe they’re connected…maybe not.
I’m running stable in the windows 11 desktop app. Today I dragged an email into the top of my “inbox” – which is at the top of root in my document (my “Inbox” Pane filters off Headings and Projects so I can process these items into their correct spots). That new email-item appeared at the top of the Pane in Mailbird’s instance but not in my desktop app. Normally changes sync quite rapidly but I waited a minute and nothing happened. My connection is pretty solid right now so that’s not the issue. I then created a couple gibberish test items and they also did not sync to desktop.
So I did a forced Reload on desktop and it updated to show the mail-item plus the test items – along with a second instance of the mail-item hanging out at the bottom of the root-level of my document (below all the Headings and Projects). BTW This is also where zombie items always appear, when I get those.
Then I tried completing one of the test items in desktop, to see if that change would sync back. The appropriate item in Mailbird did turn grey, but didn’t disappear or get a dashed outline, and the Task prefix doesn’t show a check in it.
I don’t think I can force-reload the Mailbird app so I just restarted Mailbird and let it reload the documents. After doing that, it shows the same thing as the desktop app.
Mailbird instance (after completing the test item, but before reloading the app):

Desktop instance (after completing test item):