In future should feedback on updates go in the updates thread and we let you move them when you see them? Or should we reply in the thread that generated the fix in the first place?
Apparently this does not affect all mirrors. Attached screencap shows that many of my complete mirrors do actually hide when the complete filter is activated. What differentiates between the ones that stay and the ones that go is not clear on the surface, but my money is on it being whether the item is an “original” or an “instance”.
Assuming (plz let me know if this is correct) that the tally box always displays the “original” item first, It appears that the mirrors which aren’t hidden are the ones which are ‘instances’ and their ‘original’ is in a different document. I have not yet found a counter-example to disprove that in my own docs.
Please note also that the tally box displays the other instances in “link” style which is confusing AF.
The mechanism of “originals” keeps coming up. Are there any other options for handling them? I know this is simplistic to suggest but what if you had a hidden document (invisible to user) which was simply a container for originals and thus every mirror in a user’s document was just an instance because all originals are tucked away and inaccessible?