It’s gotten kind of quiet around here! Not sure if Jay’s working on something big in the background, or taking a bit of a slow down season. (And - I suspect “slow” around here is a good sign! We’re not all reporting major bugs, or even major annoyances.).
So, figured I’d start a post of “Quality of Life” improvements for Legend. I know we all have them, many of us have likely posted them before. But, here’s mine:
Repeating Tasks - a way to track / have a record completed recurring tasks
Feature Request: Ability to LINK to a BOARD
This would be a huge help to me. It would allow me to set up cascading workflows that naturally flowed from one thing to the next. I have boards already set up for this kind of thing, but it requires me to click from one board to the next… and frankly, even that’s enough for me to get distracted. (sigh. Squirrel brain!). I’d love to be able to click a link to the next “board” in my work flow.
**This also is related to wanting a record of recurring tasks - I’d like to set up recurring work flows, linked to boards, and have a record of when I checked those boards…
Space in “Group by Tag” views -
There’s a fairly significant amount of excess white space in group by tag views. It makes it hard for me to use those views as I feel like I’m not getting the overview I often want because a lot less data fits on the screen.
Bug: Overdue Section of Agenda doesn’t seem to sort by date
I expect the “Overdue” section to sort oldest due date on top… but it does not.
Better Search Options / Filtering / Grouping for Date Modified or Date Completed searches
A lot of my wishes for Legend involve better ways to review what I have DONE or ADDED in specific date ranges. (Ie - Repeating tasks showing when completed…). But also better ways to search by date completed, or date modified. This would let me have an overview of things added this week, or completed this week. But seeing those simply sorted by date is overwhelming. I need to be able to group them by heading or project to have these overviews be helpful.