Jeff I was just exemplifying how the idea could work. The names in the brackets would refer to the specific date field names. They don’t correspond to any current Legend syntax, it’s just a hypothetical example to exemplify how I personally think the syntax would be better.
The current implementation would require you to have all these tags to be used in the filter:
To use the due date:
- date:today
- date:none
- date:any
- date:overdue
- before: Whatever date expression you want
- after: Whatever date expression you want
- between: From date expression, To date expression
To use your Creation Date you would need to add something like:
- Createddate:today
- Createddate:none
- Createddate:any
- Createddate:overdue
- Createdbefore: Whatever date expression you want
- Createdafter: Whatever date expression you want
- Createdbetween: From date expression, To date expression
and so on… for each field that contains a date (Created, Modified, Completed, Start and Finish Dates)
So 5 date fields x 7 possible operations = 35 tags that you would have to remember and list somehow in the help. Bulky, inefficient, difficult to memorize and even confusing for newbies.
vs. using 5 date field names and listing 3 operators … < , > , = (or their text long names before, after, equal)