It would be really useful to be able to filter items based on their creation or modification dates, e.g., “show me all the items I added to this Project after January 1st” or “show me everything in this document that was changed in November”. I’d suggest the following:

  • created: (including “today”)
  • created-before:
  • created-after:
  • created-between:
  • modified: (including “today”)
  • modified-before:
  • modified-after:
  • modified-between:

Anything else? If that’s too many, I guess you could use combinations of created-after and created-before to achieve the other two. I don’t mind if it’s an advanced-only (paid) feature.

4 days later

I could also see this set of filter options being handy.
I would also love it if it supported a “days” function, as in: Everything created in the last 30days

    6 days later

    Yes, more filters/panes/controls around the numerous different dates available in Legend would be fantastic.

    LauraH a “days” function, as in: Everything created in the last 30days

    Yes, that would be an important functionality.

    Also: The ability to edit/override dates manually. The vast majority of my “completed” dates are wrong because I only sit down to update my Legend plans every 2-3 days. I would be happy to quickly revise the dates in the name of accuracy, but being completely unable to is frustrating. It means as soon as you make one innocent mistake or oversight, your whole dataset is ruined. Date editing would need some controls/locks, esp. in shared docs, but still.

    I tried to build a “journal” in Legend using the GB-Date Panetypes. It was close to workable but the above plus poor Panetype behaviors and lack of filters made it a nonstarter. A huge loss IMHO. That’s a gigantic space that Legend could be stellar in.

    Totally agree that filtering/searching on the date fields is very useful.

    I would suggest though, that before, after, between, until etc… are implemented as operators and not as specific keywords that are joined to the date field name. That simplifies implementation (I think) for Jay and generalizes usage.

    @Jerud having matured more the thoughts on the editing of dates, I agree with you, editing completion dates would allow more accurate journaling and that a has a direct potential of usage for Legend… provided of course adequate locking for the shared document case.

      Jorge I would suggest though, that before, after, between, until etc… are implemented as operators and not as specific keywords that are joined to the date field name.

      Really good point. Doing these as keywords would force using “advanced” filter mode, which (?will be?) a Pro feature and is also just harder. It might require new UI if it can’t get baked directly into the Pane Configuration.

      I think all the Date-based panes should be pulled out of the “Group By” category and put in a new one. This would include Agenda Panes, so it’d have to be done carefully. I get that they are “group-by” panes but I think the controls/parameters they would need justify a distinct layout/configuration scheme.

      Jorge editing completion dates would allow more accurate journaling

      I completely agree with your specifying “journaling” here. Locked dates should probably be default and the ability to edit should require several intentional choices (although ideally not a lot of steps).

      • Jeff replied to this.
        15 days later

        I’m adding a request to also be able to filter on completion dates.

        It does seem like, as Jorge suggested, having before, after, between, etc., be sort of operators that can work with each of the date types would be good, instead of twelve different hyphenated ones, but I can’t think of how exactly that would work.

        Jerud Really good point. Doing these as keywords would force using “advanced” filter mode, which (?will be?) a Pro feature and is also just harder. It might require new UI if it can’t get baked directly into the Pane Configuration.

        I don’t know what that means. I’m asking about filtering, not pane views. What would it be, if not filter keywords? What is Pane Configuration? I’d like to select and filter to show a specific range of dates, which you can’t do with pane views and “group-by”, you can only sort, and restrict to today, this week, this month, but not an arbitrary range.

          Jeff If I understand your question correctly, I would expect the operators to be separate identifiers to the date fields. So you could specify something like:
          [ Completion Date ] before: today -7 (things that were completed earlier than a week ago)
          and you could use the same operator with different date fields:
          [ Creation Date ] before: today - 7 (things that were created earlier than a week ago)
          [ Due Date ] before: today - 7 (things that are overdue for more than a week)

          or in your example:

          [ Creation Date ] between: Dec 1 2020 and Dec 30 2020 (things that were created during December last year.

            Jorge Adding to this, since to implement this @Jay would have to inevitably touch the parser I would suggest using simpler operators for date fields:

            Dec 1 2020 < [ Creation Date] < Dec 30 2020 might be simpler than the between: syntax
            [ Creation Date] < Dec 30 2020 instead of the before: syntax.

            Jorge I don’t quite understand what you mean by “operators” and “date fields”. Also with [ Completion Date ] before: today -7. What are the square brackets? Is it just the difference between putting into the filter box completed-before: today -7 and completed: before today -7…??

              Jeff I was just exemplifying how the idea could work. The names in the brackets would refer to the specific date field names. They don’t correspond to any current Legend syntax, it’s just a hypothetical example to exemplify how I personally think the syntax would be better.

              The current implementation would require you to have all these tags to be used in the filter:
              To use the due date:

              • date:today
              • date:none
              • date:any
              • date:overdue
              • before: Whatever date expression you want
              • after: Whatever date expression you want
              • between: From date expression, To date expression

              To use your Creation Date you would need to add something like:

              • Createddate:today
              • Createddate:none
              • Createddate:any
              • Createddate:overdue
              • Createdbefore: Whatever date expression you want
              • Createdafter: Whatever date expression you want
              • Createdbetween: From date expression, To date expression

              and so on… for each field that contains a date (Created, Modified, Completed, Start and Finish Dates)

              So 5 date fields x 7 possible operations = 35 tags that you would have to remember and list somehow in the help. Bulky, inefficient, difficult to memorize and even confusing for newbies.

              vs. using 5 date field names and listing 3 operators … < , > , = (or their text long names before, after, equal)

              Jeff I don’t know what that means. I’m asking about filtering, not pane views. What would it be, if not filter keywords? What is Pane Configuration? I’d like to select and filter to show a specific range of dates, which you can’t do with pane views and “group-by”, you can only sort, and restrict to today, this week, this month, but not an arbitrary range.

              You’re talking filters but I’m thinking Panes – because outside of GB-Panes and the RMB you can’t actually see these dates. Of course that doesn’t stop filtering on them…but it makes the results of that filter kind of inscrutable. I like to see that the items in a filtered Pane confirm the filter is working as expected, and you can’t do that unless you’re seeing those dates there in the Pane contents.

              So I was thinking the GB Panes could be leveraged to do what you’re trying for. Those panes already show the item dates and are already built around the concept of limiting displayed items to a given date range. They would just need more control over that date range than the current “1 day” “1 week” “1 month”. They already exist and are underused, so it’d be nice to leverage them.

              BUT you’re totally right, it’s not the same thing you’re talking about. You’re saying if you have a list of tasks in a regular Outline or List Pane, you want to just filter off the ones that don’t fall within a given date range, right?

              • Jeff replied to this.

                Jerud I wish there was a general feature to turn on display of creation/modification dates beside each item. My other outliner does that, and it’s extremely useful.

                Group-by panes don’t do what I want, because they sort by date. I don’t want to sort, I want to keep the order of things from the document. I just wanted to see everything I’d added to a document after a certain date, for example. When it’s sorted by date, it’s all scrambled, and I can’t make sense of it.

                  Jeff I wish there was a general feature to turn on display of creation/modification dates beside each item. My other outliner does that, and it’s extremely useful.

                  Yeah. Today the type of Pane dictates what ‘extra’ information is displayed; I wish that were an explicit control and not rolled up into Panetype. While I agree about those dates, for me the big one is breadcrumbs – I would love to be able to turn those on/off independently. Such controls could simply auto-set when user changes Panetype…but have it still be possible to override. Would be a good carrot for the ‘pro’ subscription : )

                  I see the distinction you’re making vs. GB Panes, and that makes sense. So what’s needed is more flexible “advanced filter” keywords for the other date types. @Jorge outlined how that would take a whole raft of new keywords…inelegant but effective and honestly I don’t think all that hard to remember. You’re not really remembering all 35 of them, just the separate terms that get combined. It’s either that or add another “argument” to those filter terms, e.g. `complete.after:<date>' I dunno if that’s practical, and it might have an undesirable impact on the “normal” date filters. Unless Legend just assumed that if there are only two “arguments” it must be about the event (scheduled) date?

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