Eik @Jay I’ve done some research on this using the export functionality to JSON in Legend.
When I add 3 nodes near the top of my document, like this:
node 1
—- subnode 1
——– subsubnode 1
I then export this as JSON. Mind the ‘i’ node = “-2,-3,-2,-5”. This is the 3rd item of the parent = -NCJegOYtwiFtueY_UFQ
"id": "-NR4qQAaK57Ud3C7M_0h",
"i": "-2,-3,-2,-5",
"t": "- 2023/03/25",
"c": 1679430363916,
"p": "-NCJegOYtwiFtueY_UFQ"
"id": "-NR4qSInZTcQJuTZW6M8",
"i": "0",
"t": "[ #review",
"c": 1679430372633,
"p": "-NR4qQAaK57Ud3C7M_0h"
"id": "-NR4qXjKE13LEpzMclbg",
"i": "0",
"t": "- ",
"c": 1679430394874,
"p": "-NR4qSInZTcQJuTZW6M8"
Now when I close legend and reopen it, I do an export to JSON. It looks like this. The ‘i’ node is now “300”! As a result it is the last in the outline of the parent = -NCJegOYtwiFtueY_UFQ
"id": "-NR4qQAaK57Ud3C7M_0h",
"i": "300",
"t": "- 2023/03/25",
"c": 1679430363916,
"q": false,
"p": "-NCJegOYtwiFtueY_UFQ"
"id": "-NR4qSInZTcQJuTZW6M8",
"i": "0",
"t": "[ #review ",
"c": 1679430372633,
"q": false,
"p": "-NR4qQAaK57Ud3C7M_0h"
"id": "-NR4qXjKE13LEpzMclbg",
"i": "0",
"t": "- ",
"c": 1679430394874,
"q": false,
"p": "-NR4qSInZTcQJuTZW6M8"
Is the ‘i’ node meant to be the ordinal position of the item within it’s parent? If so, what does it mean when the i’node is “-2,-3,-2,-5”?