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Bug Reports
Report and discuss bugs you find so we can fix them.
Drag and Drop for touch screens on Windows 11
Group by Project, show "Projects anywhere in the hierarchy" - NOT WORKING
Refresh Emails doesn't do anything
Zoom in and out of collapsed item looses keyboard focus
ALT + M in popup window
Keyboard commands on multi-selected items don't work in Popup Panes
Repeating events become single events with unknown cause
Copy past partial selection of item includes prefix
Outlook (Office 365) emails not rendering in a pane
Google calendar doesn't sync when a task is deleted
Clicking on Global Search result doesn't work
only calendar mode available on mobile
Clicking the mouse button to go back changes the legend page
Legend does not correctly sync new closed bullets
Legend still can't process multi-day calendar events correctly
Android: On enter, when writing 'op' Legeng puts 'po'
[[ on android doesn't work
Drag/drop issues
cannot select calendars in filters
Latest Beta - Popout pane does not allow new line
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