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Feature Requests
What can Legend add or change to be better for you?
Tagged item visibility for searches
Floating (date) events request.....
startswith Search filter
Profiles - Extend document-level password-based control to calendars and drive
API or other way to import things into Legend
Adding Script Support
Printing or PDF Export
Create contact if it does not yet exist
Please add 'sorting' on date field when grouped by
x Days in Outline mode?
Importing Mirrors and links from other outliners
To see in the view/group by date the overdue items sorted day by day
Add the ability to complete and delete a line in the mobile app
Add share sheet support in mobile app
Integration Google Photos
Sidebar ^v button and (alt g) scrolling improvements
24hr time format
Will there be support for Outlook Calendar and Contacts syncing?
aarch64 appimage
Non-modal notes window
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