@Jay I am freaking out!
Today in my root level for my personal document a number of items just appeared hanging in there along with all my usual branches. When I started exploring them I discovered that they are a number of entries I had from some interview questionnaires I had lost in 20/Nov/2020. I know because I specifically created an item to track that problem.
I don’t know if it’s all of the entries that reappeared now, but it’s quite a lot. At the time I had thought I had inadvertently moved them to a particular interview I had instead of copying them (which is what I am supposed to do), so I didn’t gave it more thought and decided to restore that template later.
But now that I am finding all those entries at my root level out of the blue I am again seriously concerned on data integrity. This continues to be a problem!!!!! Legend is unreliable if we cannot rely on it to safely keep everything we dump into it!!
I went ahead and looked into other documents and low and behold…in my sandbox document I found a number of items at the root level that belong in my personal document. I looked for those in my personal document and they are not there, so this is a problem that has been replicated several times in my environments.
I fear that the solution you implemented before with your “moved” items could be the cause for all these items appearing at the root level of other documents?
So far (that I know) these are the major items I have lost:
- My whole Inbox (you helped me recover it because it wasn’t displaying, so it was not really deleted from the dB)
- My interview questionnaire (I described above, that suddenly just reappeared today)
- One of my major projects (which I haven’t restored yet, because thank God the project is in pause)
- My issues branch (which had actually disappeared and was only able to restore it from a backup from Apr 20).
This is one too many lost branches, and I am increasingly worries how many more things I haven’t’discovered.
We have to get to the bottom of this data integrity problem.
From the time I was dwelving thruough the backups to find my Issues branch, I had observed (I believed I noted it in the thread) that I could tell from the backups that the main issues branch had disappeared, and for some reason many of it’s children had been promoted to the main root level. That was the behavior that led me to dropping my whole work document and restoring it from backup. What I am seeing now happening in my personal document is the same thing (but obviously on a different branch).
To add more information I think this appearance of all those items might have coincided with me opening my old corrupted work document, because yesterday those items were not there, and today I opened that old document to confirm some information had been restored properly.