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Bug Reports
Report and discuss bugs you find so we can fix them.
Can't see added items when zoomed in
Windows Desktop App is permanentely offline
White Screen of Death
Unarchiving an item doesn't put it back into it's original place
Mirrorring to a document
Clicking on global search result does nothing
Email preview pane often doesn't display properly while zoomed
Calendar event popup truncated at top and bottom if too tall
Typing a tag filter adds a line in the outline
Repeating events don't accept a number of days greater than 2-digits
Text highlighting for "find" results can be wrong
is:link Filter does not match when hyperlink is within Item Notes
Can't un-apply the "inline code" formatting on item text
Add 365 account
Backspace in move popup applies to the doc and merges lines
Filters is not working in Email Pane
How Is the Files Pane supposed to work?
Multi Day Tasks/Events
Inappropriate "locking" dashed lines
iOS Mirrors and Links creation bug?
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