I don’t currently use Email Panes in my workflow, but happen to be working in a new user account at the moment (in stable) and noticed these new Panes along the way. I apologize if I’m repeating known issues but did notice a few glaring things basically by accident:
The new account’s Mobile board had an Email Pane by default. I think it was legacy-style, but since I had nothing configured it just showed me the “Get Started” button. When I clicked that, it took me to the “Email” (not “Email Legacy”) Tab of Settings, but that tab doesn’t contain account setup controls. Just the one toggle:

I switched to the “Email Legacy” tab and configured my account: when I closed Settings the Legacy Email Pane updated with messages as-expected.
Opening an email to view from a Legacy Pane, spawns a New Email type Pane for viewing, which is okay, but some fun things happen if you create more than one New Email Pane and move them around relative to the Legacy one. Assuming the plan is to retire the Legacy Panes soon, this is a nonissue, but if they will be kept for a while there’s some more work needed, I think.
If the New Email Pane works by being a portal to WebMail, does this mean other email hosts with webmail portals can be supported in the future? I work with a Zoho-hosted email account, for example.