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Priority: Medium
Mirrored items zoom to "original" instead of the chosen instance
Group by tags is excluding items that should belong in 2 groups
Bug: Dragging & Drop to rearrange Boards is "Ghosting" the Board Name
Text formatting toolbar is truncated in thin panes
Mobile - constantly asking me to sign into Gmail
Android mobile overview is stuck again
Bug: Repeating items for "10 times" reset wrong
List views grouped by project do not bring up anything
Is there a limit on the number of documents?
Boards Lost? Or not syncing?
Mobile Board - panes not syncing?
Overdue items coming on a filter after:today
Bug: "Overdue" section doesn't sort by date
Whole-Pane expand/collapse is broken
Desktop app won't work offline!
Mirrors with dates are not being filtered correctly
Pane grouped by priority and sorted alphabetically doesnt sort Ok
Bottom bar stats are mismatching
On zoomed branch grouped by _Created_ brings items from other places
Mirrorred items are not sorted properly in sort by priority lists
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