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Bug Reports
Report and discuss bugs you find so we can fix them.
Email nightmare
Items being hidden right away.
Mirror not appearing in Overview pane
Items excluded from filter results in a FLAT pane due to parent's properties
Repeating Dates (from completion) - inconsistent in agenda
Sharing invitation e-mails still come from Moo.do, and don't seem to work
Window position when switching monitors
Inline Code offset issue
Double-clicking column header no longer scrolls to top
Group-By Pane counts change with expand state
Link text issue
Project heading sizes
Sorting by Date Completed doesn't sort correctly - probably mirror related
filtering limitations in the agenda view
Group-By-Projects shows groups in wrong order
Can't collapse text filter matching items in group by project view
Pasting Images is broken and behaves badly
in the agenda view it is not possible to collapse individually and recursively
Some kind of plain text does not get pasted
Older emails do not load.
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