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Bug Reports
Report and discuss bugs you find so we can fix them.
Blinked scroll bar
Message remains visible in Starred after removing star
Broken search
Agenda Panes show no items under headings
can't get to the other mirror place through references
Blank screen when trying to resume work session after the break
How do I see my checked posts on ipad app.
New Email Issue - URL Not found
Inline OneNote Attachments break in some situations
If text match is in a NOTE - Legend is not showing children
Mirror in the mirror renders like a link
Board sync issues
New email message hangs on progress indicator
Agenda excludes retroactively-created, overdue Gcal events
Can't access Gmail
Moving a mirrored item sometimes moves it to the wrong place
Note text is now invisible
Oddly specific text entry bugs - cursor in the wrong place
broken links from app and blog
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