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Low Severity
Text highlighting for "find" results can be wrong
Filtering visual enhancement
Formatting on Toast Messages
Cursor not Visible after inserting image
Time format
Text resolution problem
(Deleted Item) -- all the time
Calender event notes appearing in Subitems section
Overview Drawer is disconnected from its Pane
CSS / Style tweak - "back button" uses a different color
Clarify why only Headings/Projects prepopulate Move-to dialog
Some kind of plain text does not get pasted
Blinked scroll bar
Is there an official legendapp Twitter account?
New Email Issue - URL Not found
Newbie questions I haven't found an answer to in support docs
'Ctrl+Alt+.' does something weird....
In Calendar mode, please add 'workweek' as option
Updates overwriting theme customizations
Resizing images more than one at a time
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