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Priority: Low
Deleting old backups - manually and automatically
Hyperlink's description cannot be edited
Editing a link with text in the same line doesnt take the edit
Regarding Update 1647773058250 on tag color formatting
Can't un-apply the "inline code" formatting on item text
Contact filter should include local, non-Google synced names, right?
(Deleted Item) -- all the time
Prefixes in Group-by-project Panes?
Overview Drawer is disconnected from its Pane
Pane Filter handles underscore character incorrectly
Theme / CSS: Non-synced Calendar Event color
Inline OneNote Attachments break in some situations
Windows Dekstop sometimes doesn't recognize updates are available
Tooltip incorrect: "attachements" open on click, not ctrl+click
UX Issue: inconsistent sort-option arrangement
Completed items lack an entry in the Options >Display Settings> Colors
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