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Bug Reports
Report and discuss bugs you find so we can fix them.
Failure to synchronize properly iPhone Legend.
Mobile - constantly asking me to sign into Gmail
iOS native app not respecting bluetooth keyboards
IOS - external hardware keyboard not allowing item edit
Android mobile overview is stuck again
Version history full of the same "changed text" (which hasn't changed)
Child items temporarily 'hidden'
Clone Pane fails to operate.....
"Import from backup" always create new doc with new ids (broken links)
Hierarchy of heading is broken in bulk editing (copy, delete, move)
using mirrors in the agenda : bug ?
Bug: Repeating items for "10 times" reset wrong
List views grouped by project do not bring up anything
Items no longer moveable between headings & expand isn't working
Agenda Overdue section showing deleted items
Items disappearing multiple times?
Shortwave links not opening in Android app
Boards Lost? Or not syncing?
Mobile Board - panes not syncing?
Cutting item note text in Android mobile is cutting underlying item
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