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All Discussions
Create a "Workspace" (Feature request?)
Can No Longer Drag Shortwave Emails into Outline
Link to BOARD or PANE (not just item)
User calendar sync to ios
Browser Pane
Desktop App (Windows) unresponsive
Legend marketing and promotion
GOTO command is so slow it's disruptive
Add Slack-style Paste Hyperlinking
Other Calendars
Events from multiple Documents in a single Calendar/Agenda Pane
Can't View Invoices
Google task integration
My wish list
Shared documents not working when encrypted
Delete line skips the cursor down an extra line
Mirrored items zoom to "original" instead of the chosen instance
Bug: Modified date on repeating tasks is a day behind
Group by tags is excluding items that should belong in 2 groups
Another summary of current wishes for Legend....
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